New EQA schemes for 2025

We launch 5-10 new external quality assessment schemes annually. We closely monitor diagnostic development and strive to create clinically relevant external quality assessment schemes to support diagnostics. The new rounds published annually are selected based on development suggestions received from customers and partners.
New programs 2025
- 5850 Brucella antibodies
- 5687 HBsAg and HCVAb POCT
- 5251 Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis - whole blood sample
- 5686 Norovirus, antigen detection
- 2755 Holotranscobalamin (HoloTC) and Methylmalonic Acid
Please find more detailed information about the new programs from our product catalog and website. Download the 2025 product catalog here.
Please order your 2025 EQA programs by the end of November to ensure participation in all the rounds you want. You can order directly in the LabScala program or by contacting your local partner.
Planned pilots 2025/2026
Our product development team evaluated the received development proposals with experts and selected the rounds listed below to be piloted in 2025. Depending on sample availability, the list may change during the year, but we will announce the implemented pilots on our website.
- Bacteriology: Vaginitis/Vaginosis, multiplex, nucleic acid detection
- Bacteriology: Gram stain, vaginal fluid
- Virology: West Nile virus, antibody detection
- Virology: HPV-related head and neck cancer control
- Parasitology: Leishmania, nucleic acid detection
- Clinical Chemistry: Immunosuppressive drugs
- Clinical Chemistry: Erythropoietin
- Clinical Chemistry: Neurofilament, light chains
- Clinical Chemistry: EQA for Microsampling techniques
- EQA for molecular pathology
- Veterinary EQA
If you have a round in mind missing from our portfolio, you can send a development proposal using our contact form or by email to
Sales and further information
Customer service: and tel. +358 9 856 68200