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External Quality Assessment

Our external quality assessment (EQA) schemes are designed for medical laboratories and point-of-care testing sites to monitor and improve their performance. We provide objective and independent assessments, which support your existing quality system.

External quality assessment service (EQAS) program

Our external quality assessment service program includes more than 250 quality assessment schemes, covering all specialties of laboratory medicine. Furthermore, the program includes an extensive selection of services designed for medical laboratories and point-of-care testing sites. Check out our product search for the full Labquality EQAS by Aurevia offering.

Explore our services

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EQA Product Catalogue

Our external quality assessment service program includes more than 250 quality assessment schemes, covering all specialities of laboratory medicine. Furthermore, the program includes an extensive selection of services designed for medical laboratories and point-of-care testing sites.

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Integrated EQA Service

Integrated EQA service is a completely new approach to external quality assessment. New programs integrate pre- and post-analytical EQA schemes into traditional analytical EQA providing support according to the ISO 15189 standard requirements.
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New EQA Schemes

We actively follow the development of laboratory medicine as we want to produce clinically relevant EQA schemes to serve clinical laboratories and point-of-care sites. We launch new pilot studies on a regular basis and aim to increase our EQA portfolio with 5-10 new EQA schemes every year.
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Digital External Quality Assessment Programs

Our digital EQA product line provides an advanced approach to external quality assessment. Digital EQA programs or virtual EQA programs use digital images, videos, virtual microscopy technology, and questionnaires as EQA samples.

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Clinically Relevant External Quality Assessment EQAS

All medical laboratories and point-of-care testing sites are recommended to verify their measurement quality through external quality assessment. Furthermore, external quality assessment is a basic requirement in all quality systems associated with laboratory operations. Our EQA schemes comply with ISO 15189 requirements.

Local Partners Create Additional Value

Whether you are experiencing a challenging pharmaceutical trial, a project is slow to progress, or your trial has come to a standstill, we can get it back on track with our knowledge of site, vendor and trial management, operations, and regulatory affairs.
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EQAS for the preanalytical phase

Our preanalytical EQA schemes provide a unique means to assess a larger part of the total laboratory testing cycle.

Scientific Posters

Our experts have worked on several pilot projects, resulting in these scientific posters presented at international congresses.

The general agreement of terms and conditions of our EQA service

Contact us for more information

Juha Wahlstedt
Juha Wahlstedt
Sales Director
+358 50 327 5338

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